7 Natural Ways to Stop Hairfall Now || Tips for all types of hair - HeathPedia | All about health, exercises and personal care

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Hair plays an important role in shaping an individual's personality. People tend to try different styles to groom themselves. People love their hair a lot but it becomes a nightmare when they start experiencing excessive hair loss. It can be a troublesome problem which will make you worry and will lower your self-esteem. Controlling your hair fall is not at all a difficult task. All you need is correct information, ingredients, and consistency to follow the tips on a regular basis. Here are 7 tips which will prevent your excessive hair loss. These tips work equally for men and women both of any age. 

The main causes of hair loss are nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalance, thyroid issues, stress, different types of hair products and genetics. Let us see how can you prevent your hair loss and be on a safe side from getting bald.

1. Choose the Right Shampoo:

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You need to check your hair and scalp type to choose the correct shampoo which works best for your hair. You might check your scalp before shampoo like if your scalp is dry, shampooing will lead to hair loss. And when your scalp is oily then shampoo your hair for thrice a week otherwise that will also lead to hair loss.

Moreover, you should not shampoo your hair in excess as shampoo is loaded with chemicals such as sulfate, silicon, and paraben which will damage your hair making it brittle and hence they are easily breakable.

2. Go with a conditioner:

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Choose a good conditioner from the market. Conditions work like charm on your hair. It is loaded with amino acids which will repair your hair and moreover it will make them smooth. Next time when you go to the supermarket make sure to buy good conditioners for your hair if you do care about your hair.

3. Oil your hair:

Many people hate to oil their hair as it makes their hair 'sticky' or 'heavy' or anything which is not cool to them. The thing that they don't know that oil serves as water for your hair (plants). To get your crops (healthy) you must water your plants.

When you oil your hair it improves blood circulation and nourishes the roots of the hair like water does to a plant. Oil your hair 2-3 times a week and then you can wash it off with a mild shampoo after 2-3 hours. It will still work.

4. Correct your Diet:

Your diet plays a very important role in your hair. Feed yourself with plenty of protein and Iron. Drink lots of water. Intake lots of green Vegetables. There are thousands of benefits of eating fruits and vegetables than just to prevent your hair fall. This is a must. Here are some of the ingredients which you must include in your diet -
  • Spinach
  • Carrot
  • Eggs
  • Oats
  • Lentils 
  • Chicken
  • Yogurt
  • Guava

5. Avoid Experiments on your Hair:

 This is the fashion era. Everyone wants to hair to be different and attractive. Doing different treatments like straightening your hair and coloring the hair in various combinations are not good for the hair. Moreover, avoid using blow dryers and curling rods on your hair when they are wet as they boil the water which is in your hair and make them brittle. Be happy and confident with the natural god gifted hair which you got.

6. Use Egg mask to prevent hair fall:

You can use an egg mask for your hair as it is a natural method to prevent hair fall and cure the damage done to your hair. They contain appreciable amounts of sulfur (which is the major ingredient in shampoos), phosphorous, iodine. zinc and protein.

Steps to prepare the egg mask -

  1. Separate the egg white in a bowl and add honey and olive oil to it (1 teaspoon of each).
  2. Make a paste of it by mixing it vigorously and apply it thoroughly on your hair and to its roots.
  3.  Shampoo your hair after 20 minutes.

7. Use Green Tea:

Green tea is rich in antioxidants. It is a valuable gift to us by Mother Nature. Green tea boosts hair growth and further prevent hair loss. It has thousands of other benefits on health.

Steps to use green tea for hair -
  1. Take 2-3 tea bags of green tea and soak it in 1-2 cups of hot water. The quantity of water depends on your hair length.
  2. Allow it to cool for about 20-30 minutes. Then massage it gently on your head by pouring it all over your scalp.
  3. Shampoo your hair after 50-60 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. Which type of oil will suit the best. I have dry hair


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